Use variant to pass factory parameter

Factory Pattern

class Creator{
virtual std::unique_ptr<Product> create(ProductId id) {
if (ProductId::MINE == id) return std::make_unique<ConcreteProductMINE>();
if (ProductId::YOURS == id) return std::make_unique<ConcreteProductYOURS>();
return nullptr;


object ShapesFactory {
* @param T type of shape sub-class.
* @param radius required to construct [Circle] instance.
* @param width required to construct [Rectangle] instance.
* @param height required to construct [Rectangle] instance.
fun <T: Shape> getShape(shape: Class<T>, radius: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Shape {
if (shape.isAssignableFrom( {
return Circle(radius)
} else if (shape.isAssignableFrom( {
return Rectangle(width, height)
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("Cannot create shape instance for ${shape.simpleName}")


这篇参考文章中,我看到了作者使用 kotlin 的 sealed class 对数据进行封装。隐藏了接口数据的复杂性。使得代码更加可读,易于拓展,同时限制参数类型。

sealed class ShapeFactoryParam {
data class CircleParam(val radius: Int) : ShapeFactoryParam()
data class RectangleParam(val width: Int, val height: Int): ShapeFactoryParam()
object ShapesFactory {
fun getShape(param: ShapeFactoryParam): Shape {
return when (param) {
is ShapeFactoryParam.CircleParam -> Circle(param.radius)
is ShapeFactoryParam.RectangleParam -> Rectangle(param.width, param.height)

Pass Parameter in C++

在c++中,没有像kotlin 里 sealed class 这么好用的东西。

于是在一番寻找后,找到了 variant 这个东西,variant 是一种更通用的union,而且更加type-safe。


在cppreference中,有关于std::visit 添加lambda以及处理不同的类型。


struct CircleParam{
int radius;
struct RectangleParam{
int width;
int height;

using ShapeParam = std::variant<CircleParam,RectangleParam>;

class Circle{
Circle(const CircleParam& param)
: mRadius{param.radius} {}
int mRadius;

class ShapeFactoy{
static std::unique_ptr<Shape> GetShape(const ShapeParam& params)
return std::visit([](auto&& arg))
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same<T,CircleParam>) {
return std::make_unique<Circle>(arg);
else if constexpr(std::is_same<T,RectangleParam>){
return std::make_unique<Rectangle>(arg);
else {
static_assert(always_false_v<T>, "non-exhaustive visitor!");
